About Us  

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Here For You

Dedication to ensuring seamless relationships between you and your guests.

We're flattered you're checking out who we are and what we have to offer.
Straight off we can tell you that we are a collection of like minded people with the same goal
...to make you and your guests happy 🙂

The Start

Coming from a large family where each of us were fortunate enough to have our own individual areas of expertise, we’re still grateful to this day that we could frequently achieve great things where others may otherwise struggle.

Often when goals were met, we would put our resources together and invest our incomes in property. Then, not wanting the properties to sit there vacant, for a number of reasons ranging from unknown leaks, to unwanted squatters, we decided to do short-term holiday rentals, the only issue being that we could not find the right setup for our needs, so were struggling to keep things flowing smoothly. Never the less we kept on trying to better things,, by literally trying anything we could.

The Effort

We added our properties to the big known holiday accommodation sites as they popped up and stayed loyal to them until one-by-one we saw that they were all simply just taking advantage of us – and keeping a large chunk of our profit in the process! So, we then started searching for a simple system of our own, but it became clear that there simply just wasn’t a solution out there that could meet our criteria.

There were of course lots of independent companies, services & individual options, all expensive and always with a catch. Many still to this day advertise that their option is free… but we would then find out after days of editing that a simple & common requirement (such as adding PayPal or syncing a calendar) would then require a regular outlay from our profit and more importantly it just irritated us that they had not been more honest from the start. 

We admitted defeat in that any small profits we might earn, were actually being controlled by these huge conglomerates, just running numbers. The smaller businesses were just hoping that after we’d put so much time & sweat into setting up a vacation rental business (before realising the most basic options to launch, all need paying for individually), we’ll just bow down and accept we are trapped… but that’s just wasn’t acceptable to us any longer.

Instead, we chose to find our own solution and so began the task of creating an option for regular folk such as ourselves, to control our own futures… “You can take away our control, but you can’t take our proffiiiittss”, sorry, it just really bugged us.


To shorten this – what may be boring to many history – we quite simply started using all our experience gained whilst running various successful B&B’s (watching the great powers take all our proceeds grrr), and put that into building a product that anyone big or small could use to independently run their own services.. and yep, with everything included.

Enter ‘Guest Income’, (originally “Guestinco” .me to make Guest Inco.me, we rounded up of our needs and went for it. 

We’ve never looked back, and whilst we know that it is a taboo subject to mention who attacks our website here (the most obviously being “indirectly” related to the big boys – as who else needs to try and damage this site without any direct gain), we will never give in to such bully tactics and have extremely advanced techniques to protect our servers.

In fact it has been mentioned about our feelings regarding offers (from said powerful booking site overlords) to buy us out – which simply will never happen – this is another of their approaches to dominate and just thrives us more to ensure good people get what they want – especially when they’re simply just trying to earn a extra buck or two for their endeavours. 


We have a unique team of individuals who all excel in their own areas whilst supporting the needs of others.

Quite simply, we’re blessed with an amazing team that come together in perfect harmony to ensure our success.  

Patricia Stone

Product Manager

Darren Kemp

Director Global

Susan Bailey

Tech Supervisor
The Other Experts

So, we’ve been told (by leading market research developers & suchlike) to state here the following about us and more:

  • Trust Factors.
  • Our USPs.
  • Our Standout Stats.
  • Our Professional Memberships.
  • Our Accreditations.
  • Our Awards…
  • Bla Bla Bla

…and what with our extra AI capabilities here now, I’m sure we’d amaze someone. But you know what, that again seems like bowing down to the modern ‘number crunching’ decision made norm that we have been avoiding and yet have instead found success, so we have another idea… a simple conclusion.



We could not have made it without YOU, our loyal clients and know our success is due to the strong sales & support we’ve received, so thank you.

We will of course continue to better our services where possible and do whatever we can to ensure others need never suffer what we did as a family before we starting using our own products 🙂

ooh, ooh, ooh. We’re also supposed to include here some leading go to ‘Call-to-Action’ buttons etc. to our products & services… but we’re not going to insult you that you’re unable to see or reach in the simple menu above 🙂 Ahh here’s the link anyway. Enjoy!